
Welcome To Naarista Rural
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Rural women are plagued with issues such as:

Poor connectivity of villages with health centers 

“हमारे गाँव की अस्पताल से दूरी होने पर समुदाय के लोग आसानी से स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धी सुविधाएँ का लाभ नहीं ले पाते है” – कस्तूरिया मरकाम

Limited qualified Doctors (especially female doctors) 

– महिला सम्बन्धी स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं के ईलाज के लिए महिला डॉक्टर से बात नहीं कर पाते है” – गायत्री पडवार

Poor last mile access to quality medicines and tablets 

– “गाँव स्तर में अच्छा ईलाज और दवाइयों का अभाव है” – विनीता बैरागी

Solutions by Naarista

Naarista is addressing these issues by

Bringing health consultation services closer to communities

Providing unhindered access to experienced and qualified doctors

Bringing quality medicines and nursing services at doorstep

Journey began from

Narayanganj which is one of the 9 development blocks in Mandla district comprising of 132 villages.

Agriculture being the predominant livelihood option in the region demands a lot of labor time primarily provided by women.

Continuous long working hours and insufficient nutrient intake by the women of the region result in malnourishment and create a grave cycle of malnutrition.

As per the official data around 53% women are anaemic and around 69% of children (age 6 to 60 months) are anaemic

Where We Stand

7000+ Registered Members

From 2k in March’23 to 7k+ in Oct’23

~250+ Access to Villages

From 30 in June’23 to 250+ in Oct’23

10000+ No. of Consultations

From 1.5k in March’23 to 7k+ in Oct’23

Scaling Mandla District